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Ευαγγελία Ραζή

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Ευαγγελία Ραζη


Παθολόγος – Ογκολόγος

  • Καρκίνος Μαστού
  • Όγκοι Εγκεφάλου
  • Μελάνωμα
  • Καρκίνος Πνεύμονα
  • Καρκίνος Παχέος Εντέρου

Τρέχουσα Θέση

  • Διευθύντρια, 3η Παθολογική – Ογκολογική Κρινική, Νοσοκομείο Υγεία, Αθήνα Ελλάδα
  • Συνιδρύτρια, Πρότυπη Ογκολογική Ομάδα, Αθήνα Ελλάδα

  • Πτυχίο Ιατρικής – Τιμητικό Πρόγραμμα Ιατρικής Εκπαίδευσης – MD Northwestern University – 1987
  • Ειδικότητα Παθολογίας – Beth Israel Medical Center New York – 1990
  • Υποειδίκευση στην Ογκολογία – New York Medical College 1993
  • Διδακτορικό στην Ιατρική – Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης 1998

  • National Board of Medical Examiners 1987
  • Board Certified in Medical Oncology, U.S.A. – November 1995, 2005, 2015
  • American Board of Internal Medicine 1990
  • European Society for Medical Oncology 2003. Επαναπιστοποίηση 2008, 2013 (Περίοδος ισχύος: έως το 2018)

  • Στην Ελλάδα (ΙΣΑ)
  • Στην πολιτεία της Νέας Υόρκης (ανενεργή)
  • Στην πολιτεία της Πενσυλβάνια (ανενεργή)

  • Ελλάδα
    • Μέλος του Ιατρικού Συλλόγου Αθηνών (ΙΣΑ)
    • Εταιρεία Ογκολόγων Παθολόγων Ελλάδος (ΕΟΠΕ)
    • Ελληνική Συνεργαζόμενη Ογκολογική Ομάδα (ΕΣΟΟ)
    • Ιατρικός Σύνδεσμος ΥΓΕΙΑ (ΙΣΥ)
    • Μεσογειακό Διεπιστημονικό Ογκολογικό Συμβούλιο (MMOF)
    • Ελληνική Εταιρία Μαστολογίας
    • Ελληνοαμερικάνικη Ιατρική Εταιρεία
  • Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση
    • Ευρωπαϊκή Ογκολογική Εταιρεία (ESMO)
    • Ευρωπαϊκή Εταιρεία Νευρο-Ογκολογίας (EANO)
    • Ευρωπαϊκή Μαστολογική Εταιρεία (EUSOMA)
    • European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Brain Tumor Group
    • European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Breast Cancer Group
    • European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Brain Tumor Group Quality Assurance Committee
  • ΗΠΑ
    • Αμερικανική Ένωση Κλινικής Ογκολογίας (ASCO)
    • Εθνικό Ινστιτούτο Καρκίνου των ΗΠΑ (NCI) (Επίσημη Αναγνωρισμένη Ερευνήτρια)
    • Αμερικανική Εταιρεία Έρευνας του Καρκίνου (AACR)
    • Σύλλογος Νευρο-Ογκολογίας (SNO)

Η κα Ραζή έχει πάνω από 80 δημοσιεύσεις σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά κύρους ως κύριος ή συν-συγγραφέας. Είναι επίσης συγγραφέας περισσότερων από 20 κεφαλαίων σε βιβλία. Επίσης έχει συμμετάσχει στον σχεδιασμό μαθημάτων που ασχολούνται με την πρόοδο στην έρευνα για τον καρκίνο και τη θεραπεία.

Πλήρης λίστα με τις δημοσιεύσεις.

  1. ΖΑ.Arlin, ΕJ.Feldman, LR.Finger, T.Ahmed, A.Mittelman, P.Cook, C.Puccio, P.Baskind, P.Arnold, E.­Razis,­ J.Decter, HG.Chun: Short-course high-dose mitoxanthrone with high-dose cytarabine is effective therapy for adult lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 1991;5:712-714.


  1. T.Ahmed, P.Cook, L.Helson, Z.Niazi, E.­Razis,­ Singh, A.Mittelman, C.Puccio, C.Moorthy, T.Lansen, Kasoff, Z.Arlin: High Dose ThioTEPA with bone marrow transplantation and localized radiotherapy in patients with previously untreated glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of Chemotherapy 1993;5,741-742.


  1. RA.Preti, E.Razis, D.Ciavarella, Y.Fan, RE.Kuhns, P.Cook, G.Wong, DL.Wuest, T.Ahmed: Clinical and laboratory comparison study of refrigerated and cryopreserved bone-marrow for transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 1994;13(3):253-260.


  1. E.Razis,­ G.Samonis, P.Cook, M.Beer, A.Mittelman, DE.Lake, EJ.Feldman, C.Puccio, T.Ahmed. TMJ: A well-tolerated high-dose regimen for the adjuvant chemotherapy of high risk breast cancer. Journal of Medicine 1994;25(3-4):241-250.
  1. E.Razis, ZA.Arlin, T.Ahmed, EJ.Feldman, C.Puccio, P.Cook, HG.Chun, L.Helson, A.Mittelman. Incidence and treatment of tumor lysis syndrome in patients with acute leukemia. Acta Heamatol. 1994;91(4):171-174


  1. T.Ahmed, RA.Preti, E.Razis, T.Farley, DE.Lake, M.Beer, P.Cook, D.Ciavarella. Peripheral blood mononuclear mobilization with sargramostim (GM-CSF). Prog-Clin-Biol-Res 1994;389:457-462.


  1. E.Razis, P.Cook, A.Mittelman, T.Ahmed. Treatment of gancyclovir resistant cytomegalovirus with foscarnet: a report of two cases occurring after bone marrow transplantation. Leuk Lymphoma. 1994; 12(5-6):477-480.


  1. G.Fountzilas, Vasilaros, D.Koukouras,  N.Malamos,  D.Pectasides,  A.Adanou, K.Kiriakou,  I.Zourani,  K.Katsohis,  C.Skopa,  C.Semoglou, E.Fahantidis,  C.Kontastaras, E.Vasilaki,  Economopoulos,  H.Bacoyiannis,  D.Bafaloukos, E.Razis,  A.Polichronis, G.Androulakis,  N.Pavlidis, D.Skarlos, P.Kosmidis: Prognostic variables in Greek patients with stage II breast cancer: A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Study. Anticancer Research, 1997; 17(6D): 4681-4689.


  1. G.Fountzilas, V.Papadimitriou, D.Bafaloukos, G.Aravantinos, C.Nicolaides, H.Kalofonos, P.Papakostas, N.Xiros, E.Razis: Paclitaxel and Carboplatin as First-Line Chemotherapy for Advanced Breast Cancer. A Supplement to Oncology, January 1998; 12:45-48.


  1. C.Nicolaides, M.A.Dimopoulos, E.Samantas, D.Bafaloukos, C.Kalofonos, G.Fountzilas, E.Razis, P.Kosmidis, N.Pavlidis: Gemcitabine and vinorelbine as second-line treatment in patients with metastatic breast cancer progressing after first-line taxane-based chemotherapy. Annals of Oncology, 2000 July;11(7):873-875.


  1. E.Razis, A.Dimopoulos, D.Bafaloukos, C.Papadimitriou, A.Kalogera-Fountzila, C.Kalofonos, E.Briassoulis, E.Samantas, A.Keramopoulos, N.Pavlidis, P.Kosmidis, G.Fountzilas: Dose – Dense Sequential Chemotherapy with Epirubicin and Paclitaxel in Advanced Breast Cancer. Cancer Invest, 2001: 19(2):137-144.


  1. E.Razis, G.Fountzilas : “Paclitaxel – Epirubicin in metastatic breast cancer MBC”-A review.  Annals of Oncology, 2001 May; 12(5): 593-598.


  1. G.Fountzilas, C.Papadimitriou, U.Dafni, D.Bafaloukos, D.Skarlos, L.Moulopoulos E.Razis, H.Kalofonos, G.Aravantinos, E.Briassoulis, P.Papakostas, K.Abela, H.Gogas, P.Kosmidis, N.Pavlidis, M.Dimopoulos: Dose-Dense sequential chemotherapy with Epirubicin and Paclitaxel versus the combination, as first   line Chemotherapy, in advanced Breast Cancer. J  Clin Oncol, 2001; (19): 2232-2239.


  1. G.Fountzilas, D.Tsavdaridis, A.Kalogera-Fountzila, C.Christodoulou, E.Timotheadou, C.Kalofonos, P.Kosmidis, A.Adamou, P.Papakostas, H.Gogas, G.Stathopoulos. E.Razis, D.Bafaloukos, D.Skarlos: Weekly paclitaxel, as first-line chemotherapy and trastuzumab in patients with advanced breast cancer. A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group phase II study. Annals of Oncology, 2001; 12(11):1545-1551.


  1. A.Hatzaki, E.Razis, K.Anagnostopoulou, K.Iliadis, A.Kodaxis, D.Papaioannou, S.Labropoulos, M.Vasilaki, P.Kosmidis, G.Nasioulas: A modified mutagenic PCR-RFLP method for K-RAS Codon 12 and 13 mutations detection in NSCLC patients. Molecular Cell Probes.2002;15 (5):243-247.


  1. G.Fountzilas, E.Razis, D.Tsavdaridis, M.Karina, S.Labropoulos, C.Christodoulou, D.Mavroudis, H.Gogas, V.Georgoulias, D.Skarlos: Continuation of trastuzumab beyond disease progression is safe and effective in patients with advanced breast cancer. A retrospective analysis of 80 cases by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Clin Breast Cancer, 2003;4(2):120-125.


  1. E.Razis, G.Fountzilas: Technology evaluation: TriGem, Titan. Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics, 2003;5(2),204-7.


  1. A.Bamias, M.Bai. , N.J.Agnantis, M.Michael, Y.Alamanos, D.Stefanaki, E.Razis, D.Skarlos, A.Kappas, N.Pavlidis: The prognostic significance of the expression of the deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) Gene Protein in high risk resected Gastric carcinoma . Cancer Investigation, 2003; 21(3):333-340.


  1. G.Fountzilas, C.Christodoulou, D.Tsavdaridis, A.Kalogera-Fountzila, G.Aravantinos, E.Razis, H.P.Kalofonos, P.Papakostas, M.Karina, H.Goga, D.Skarlos: Paclitaxel and Gemcitabine, as first line chemotherapy, combined with trastuzumab in patients with advanced breast cancer. A phase II study conducted by the Hellenic cooperative oncology group (HeCOG). Cancer Investigation 2004; 22(5):655-662.


  1. E.Razis, G.Fountzilas: Continuation of trastuzumab beyond disease progression: More questions than answers. Clincal Breast Cancer, 2004;5(1):59-62.


  1. G.Fountzilas, Stathopoulos, G.Kouvatseas, A.Polychronis, G.Klouvas, E.Samantas, N.Zamboglou K.Kyriakou, A.Adamou, D.Pectasidis, T.Ekonomopoulos, C.Calofonos, D.Bafaloukos, V.Georgoulias, E.Razis, D.Koukouras, V.Zombolas, P.Kosmidis, D.Skarlos, N.Pavlidis: Adjuvant cytotoxic and endocrine therapy in pre- and postmenopausal patients with Breast Cancer and 1-9 infiltrated nodes: 5 year results of HeCOG randomized HE 10/92 study. Am J Clin Oncol 2004;27: 57-67.


  1. G.Fountzilas, H.P.Kalofonos, U.Dafni, C.Papadimitriou, D.Bafaloukos, P.Papakostas, A.Kalogera Fountzila, C.Christodoulou, H.Gogas, G.Aravantinos, L.A.Moulopoulos, T.Economopoulos, D.Pectasides, E.Briasoulis, V.Siafaka, N.Maniadakis, D.Tsavdaridis, E.Razis, P.Kosmidis, D.Skarlos, M.A.Dimopoulos: Paclitaxel and Epirubicin versus Paclitaxel and Carboplatin, as first line chemotherapy, in patients with advanced breast cancer. A phase III study conducted by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Ann Oncol 2004;15:1517-1526.


  1. E.Razis, P.Kosmidis, G.Aravantinos, Ch.Bakoyiannis, J.Janinis, H.Timotheadou, Ch.Christodoulou, G.Fountzilas. Second line chemotherapy with 5 Fluorouracil and Vinorelbine in Anthracycline and Taxane pretreated patients with metastatic breast cancer. Cancer Investigation, 2004; 22(1):10-15.


  1. I.Belogianni, A.Apessos, M.Mihalatos, E.Razis, S.Labropoulos, A.Petounis, V.Gaki, A.Karamopoulos, N.Pandis, K.Kyriacou, A.Hadjisavas, P.Kosmidis, D.Yannoukakos, G.Nasioulas: Characterization of a novel large deletion and single point mutations in the BRCA1 gene in a Greek cohort of families with suspected hereditary BMC Cancer. 2004;7;4:61.


  1. A.Apessos, M.Mihalatos, I.Danielidis, G.Kallimanis, N.J.Agnantis, I.K.Triantafillidis, G.Fountzilas, P.A.Kosmidis, E.Razis, V.A.Georgoulias and G. Nassioulas. Hmsh2 is the most commonly mutated MMR gene in a cohort of Greek HNPCC patients. British Journal of Cancer 2005; 92:396-404.


  1. E.Razis, D.Skarlos, E.Briassoulis, M.Dimopoulos, G.Fountzilas, S.Lambropoulos, S.Rigatos, P.Kopteridis, H.Efstathiou, E.Tzamakou, C.Bakoyannis, D.Pectasides, T.Makatsoris, G.Varthalitis, S.Papadopoulos and P.Kosmidis: Treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer with gefitinib (“Iressa”, ZD 1839): the Greek experience with a compassionate-use programme. Anti-Cancer Drugs 2005;16(2):191-198.


  1. S.Labropoulos, J.Fletcher, Oliveira, S.Papadopoulos, E.Razis. Sustained complete remission of metastatic dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with imatinib mesylate. Anticancer Drugs. 2005; 16(4):461-466.


  1. G.Fountzilas, D.Pectasides, A.Kalogera-Fountzila, D.Skarlos, HP.Kalofonos, C.Papadimitriou, D.Bafaloukos, S.Lambropoulos, S.Papadopoulos, H.Kourea, C.Markopoulos, H.Linardou, D.Mavroudis, E.Briasoulis, N.Pavlidis, E.Razis, P.Kosmidis and H.Gogas. Paclitaxel and carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy combined with gefitinib (IRESSA) in patients with advanced breast cancer: a phase I/II study conducted by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment (2005);92(1): 1-9.


  1. G.Fountzilas, D.Skarlos, U.Dafni, H.Gogas, E.Briasoulis, D.Pectasides, C.Papadimitriou, C.Markopoulos, A.Polichronis, H.P.Kalofonos, V.Siafaka, P.Kosmidis, E.Timotheadou, D.Tsavdaridis, D.Bafaloukos, P.Papakostas, E.Razis, P.Makrantonakis, G.Aravantinos, C.Christodoulou, A.M.Dimopoulos. Postoperative dose-dense sequential chemotherapy with epirubicin, followed by CMF with or without paclitaxel, in patients with high risk operable breast cancer. Ann. Oncol. 2005;16(11):1762-1771.


  1. D.V.Skarlos, H.P.Kalofonos, G.Fountzilas, M.A.Dimopoulos, N.Pavlidis, E.Razis, T.Economopoulos, D.Pectasides, H.Gogas, P.Kosmidis, D.Bafaloukos, G.Klouvas, G.Kyratzis, G. Aravantinos. Gemcitabine plus pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer resistant/ refractory to platinum and/ or taxanes. A HECOG phase II study. Anticancer Research 2005;25(4):3103-3108.


  1. Pentheroudakis, E.Razis, A.Athanassiadis, N.Pavlidis, G.Foumtzilas. Paclitaxel-Carboplatin combination chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer: accumulating evidence for synergy, efficacy and safety. The Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group experience and review of the literature. Medical Oncology 2006;23(2):147-160.


  1. A.Bamias, C.Papadimitriou, E.Efstathiou, A.Rodolakis, G.Vlahos, Z.Voulgaris, G.Bozas, G.Fountzilas, G.Aravantinos, E.Razis, D.Gika, M.A.Dimopoulos. Four cycles of paclitaxel and carboplatin as adjuvant treatment in early-stage ovarian cancer: a six-year experience of the Hellenic cooperative oncology group. BMC Cancer 2006; 25,6:228.


  1. G.Fountzilas, G.Karkavelas, A.Kalogera-Fountzila, M.Karina, M.Ignatiadis, G.Koukoulis, G.Plataniotis, M.Bobos, D.Pectasides, E.Razis, A.Karavelis, P.Selviaridis. Post-operative combined radiation and chemotherapy with temozolomide and irinotecan in patients with high-grade astrocytic tumors. A phase II study with biomarker evaluation. Anticancer Res 2006;26(6C): 4675-4686.


  1. Ε.Razis, M.Karina, S.Karanastassi, and G.Fountzilas. Three case reports of Hand-Foot syndrome with Gefitinib. Cancer Investigation, 2006;24:514-516.


  1. S.Armaou, I.Konstantopoulou, T.Anagnostopoulos, E.Razis, I.Boukovinas, N.Xenidis, G.Fountzilas, D.Yannoukakos. Novel genomic rearrangements in the BRCA1 gene detected in Greek breast/ovarian cancer patients. EJC 2007;43(2):443-453.


  1. S.Papadopoulos, G.Kouvatseas, D.Skarlos, N.Malamos, E.Delliou, I.Saratsiotou, A.Ardavanis, D.Mavroudis, E.Skarpides, P.Arapantoni, E.Karyda, F.Patakioyta, G.Aravantinos, E.Razis, G.Fountzilas, P.Kosmidis. Comparison of HER2 detection methods between central and regional laboratories in Greece. Clin Breast Cancer. 2007;7(10):784-790.


  1. E.Razis, D.Yannoukakos. Docetaxel (in) sensitivity in BRCA1-positive breast cancers? Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice 2007;5(3):134-136.


  1. S.Labropoulos, E.Razis. Imatinib in the treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.Biologics: Targets & Therapy 2007; 1 (4): 347-353.


  1. D.Pectasides, G.Papaxoinis, E.Pectasides, H.Galani, E.Razis, N.Katodrytis, G.Fountzilas, T.Economopoulos. Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Skin: A Retrospective Study of 24 Cases by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Oncology 2007;72(5-6):211-218.


  1. E.Razis, E.Briasoulis, E.Vrettou, D.V. Skarlos, D.Papamichael, I.Kostopoulos, E.Samantas, Ioannis Xanthakis, Mattheos Bobos, Eleni Galanidi, Maria Bai, Ioanna Gikonti, Elena Koukouma, G.Kafiri, P.Papakostas, K.T. Kalogeras, P.Kosmidis, G.Fountzilas. Potential value of PTEN in predicting cetuximab response in colorectal cancer. An exploratory study. BMC Cancer 2008, 8:234.


  1. I.Konstantopoulou, T.Rampias, A.Ladopoulou, G.Koutsodontis, S.Armaou, T.Anagnostopoulos, G.Nikolopoulos, S.Kamakari, G.Nounesis, A.Stylianakis, C.Karanikiotis, E.Razis, H.Gogas, A.Keramopoulos, V.Gaki, C.Markopoulos, D.Skarlos, N.Pandis, T.Bei, I.Arzimanoglou, G.Fountzilas, D.Yannoukakos. Greek BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation spectrum: Two BRCA1 mutations account for half the carriers found among high-risk breast/ovarian cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2008, 107:431-441.


  1. C.Papadimitriou, R.M.Wirtz, T.Economopoulos, E.Samantas, P.Papakostas, H.Gogas, E.Razis, E.Lianos, G.Aravantinos, G.Fountzilas; (HECOG). Differential EGFR and VEGFR mRNA expression in two subtypes of basal-like breast cancer identified by molecular Classification. J. Clin. Oncol. 2008; ASCO Annual Meeting Procceedings;Vol26, No 15S, suppl:May 20.


  1. A.K. Koutras, K.T. Kalogeras, M.A.Dimopoulos, R.M.Wirtz, U.Dafni, E.Briasoulis, D.Pectasides, H.Gogas, C.Christodoulou, G.Aravantinos, G.Zografos, E.Timotheadou, P.Papakostas, H.Linardou, E.Razis, T.Economopoulos, H.P.Kalofonos, G.Fountzilas. Evaluation of the Prognostic and Predictive Value of HER Family mRNA Expression in High-Risk Early Breast Cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 2008:99: 1775-1785.


  1. C.Christodoulou, I.Kostopoulos, H.P.Kalofonos, E.Lianos, M.Bobos, E.Briasoulis, H.Gogas, E.Razis, D.V.Skarlos, G.Fountzilas. Trastuzumab Combined with Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Oncology 2009;76:275-285.


  1. E.Razis, I.Belogianni, V.Siamanta, A.Apessos, V.Kyriakopoulou, E.Papadopoulou, M.Sariyanni, D.Theofilopoulos, S.Labropoulos, G.Nasioulas. Elucidation of the Transmission of a Novel Mutation in BRCA1 [1125delCT] in a Family with Multiple Cases of Breast Cancer. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2009 Jul-Aug; 6[4]:215-217.


  1. I.Kostopoulos, G.Karayannopoulou, M.Bobos, D.Skarlos, E.Briassoulis, A.Koutras, D.Pectacides, H.Linardou, E.Razis, F.Matsiakou, K.T.Kalogeras and G.Fountzilas. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG), Athens. Evaluation of the predictive value of IGF-1Ra, IGF-1Rb, uPA, and PAI-1 in patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC) treated with trastuzumab. Cancer Res; 69 (suppl):24 A 2036 p 604 s.


  1. E.Razis, P.Selviaridis, S.Labropoulos, J.L.Norris, M.J.Zhu, D.D.Song, T.Kalebic, M.Torrens, A.Kalogera-Fountzila, G.Karkavelas, S.Karanastasi, J.A.Fletcher and G.Fountzilas. Phase II Study of Neoadjuvant Imatinib in Glioblastoma: Evaluation of Clinical and Molecular Effects of the Treatment. Clin Cancer Res 2009;15 (19), 6258-6266.


  1. A.Bamias, A.Karadimou, S.Lampaki, G.Lainakis, L.Malettou, E.Timotheadou, K.Papazisis, C.Andreadis, L.Kontovinis, I.Anastasiou, K.Stravodimos, I.Xanthakis, A.Skolarikos, .C.Christodoulou, K.Syrigos, C.Papandreou, E.Razi, O.Dafni, G.Founzilas and M.A.Dimopoulos. Prognostic Stratification of Patients With Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Treated Sunitinib: Comparison with the Memorial Sloan – Kettering Prognostic Factors Model. BMC Cancer, 2010: 10:45, 1471-2407.


  1. S.Murray, M.Bobos, N.Angouridakis, A.Nikolaou, H.Linardou, E.Razis, and G.Fountzilas. Screening for EGFR Mutations in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Treated with Gefitinib on a Compassionate-Use Program: A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Study. Journal of Oncology,Vol 2010 (2010), Article ID 709678, 10 pages,doi:10.1155/2010/709678.


  1. Rigakos, S.Labropoulos, I.Evangelou, D. Giannopoulou, M.Kordoni, E.Razis. A Case of Fiber in an Ovarian Cyst. FCO, 2010:1:1, 36-38.


  1. V.Razis, E.Razis. On “Scientific Misconduct”. Forum of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 2, No.1, 2011.


  1. E.Razis, M.Bobos, V.Kotoula, A.G.Elefheraki, H.P.Kalofonos, K.Pavlakis, P.Papakostas, G.Aravantinos, G.Rigakos, I.Efstratiou, K.Petraki, D.Bafaloukos, I.Kostopoulos, D.Pectasides, K.T.Kalogeras, D.Skarlos, G.Fountzilas. Evaluation of the association of PIK3CA mutations and PTEN loss with efficacy of trastuzumab therapy in metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2011; 128(2):447-456.


  1. Fountzilas, H.Kourea, M.Bobos, D.Televantou, V.Kotoula, C.Papadimitiriou, K.Papazisis, E.Timotheadou, I.Efstratiou, A.Koutras, G.Pentheroudakis, C.Christodoulou, G.Aravantinos, D.Miliaras, K.Petraki, C.Papandreou, P.Papakostas, D.Bafaloukos, D.Repana, E.Razis, D.Pectacides, and A.Dimopoulos. Paclitaxel and Bevacizumab as First Line Combined Treatment in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer: The Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Experience with Biological Marker Evaluation. Anticancer Research. 2011; 31:3007-3018.
  2. Saratsiotou, M.Kordoni, C.Bakogiannis, E.Livadarou, D.Skarlos, P.Kosmidis, E.Razis. Treatment adherence of cancer patients to orally administered chemotherapy: insights from a Greek study using a self-reported questionaire. J Oncol Pharm Pract; December 2011 17: 304-311.


  1. Eiermann, J.Bergh, F.Cardoso, P.Conte, J.Crown, N.J.Curtin, J.Gligorov, B.Gusterson, H.Joensuu, B.K.Linderholm, M.Martin, F.Penault-llorca, B.C.Pestalozzi, E.Razis, C.Sotiriou, S.Tjulandin, G.Viale. Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Proposals for a Pragmatic Definition and Implications for Patient Management and Trial Design. Breast. 2012 Feb; 21(1):20-26.


  1. E.Razis, K.T.Kalogeras, V.Kotoula, A.Eleftheraki, N.Nikitas, R.Kronenwett, E.Timotheadou, C.Christodoulou, D.Pectasides, H.Gogas, R.Wirtz, T.Makatsoris, D.Bafaloukos, G.Aravantinos, D.Televantou, N.Pavlidis, G.Fountzilas. Improved outcome of high-risk early HER2-positive breast cancer with high CXCL13/CXCR5 mRNA expression. Clinical Breast Cancer, 2012; 12[3]: 183-193.


  1. E.Razis, P.Nomikos. One More Reason why we Should Treat Unresectable Gliomas. Forum of Clinical Oncology. Editorial. Vol.3, No.3, 2012.


  1. E.Razis. On the Role of Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Forum of Clinical Oncology, Editorial.Vol.3, No.3, 2012.


  1. Nikolatou-Galitis, D.Bafaloukos, E.Razis, E.Papadopoulou, H.Linardou, I.Grossi, E.Vardas, A,C,Migliorati. Jaw Osteonecrosis Associated with Medication: Report of two cases addressing unresolved clinical research questions. MOJ;2012:1;45-51.
  1. Rigakos, E.Razis. BRCAness: Finding the Achilles Heel in Ovarian Cancer. The Oncologist 2012;17:1-7.


  1. F.Stavridi, G.Rigakos, E.Razis. Newer therapeutic agents for urogenital system tumors. Journal of Medical Annals (Hygeia Hospital Monthly Edition), 2012; 16(3): 791-795.


  1. S.Murray, V.Karavasilis, M.Bobos, E.Razis, S.Papadopoulos, C.Christodoulou, P.Kosmidis, G.Fountzilas. Molecular Predictors of Response to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Sep 19;31(1):77.


  1. G.Fountzilas, V.Kotoula, D.Pectasides, G.Kouvatseas, E.Timotheadou, M.Bobos, X.Mavropoulou, C.Papadimitriou, E.Vrettou, G.Raptou, A.Koutras, Razis, D.Bafaloukos, E.Samantas, G.Pentheroudakis, D.V.Skarlos. Ixabepilone administered weekly or every three weeks in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer patients; a randomized non-comparative phase II trial. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 23;8(7):e69256. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069256.


  1. G.Pentheroudakis, V.Kotoula, W.DeRoock, G.Kouvatseas, P.Papakostas, T.Makatsoris, D.Papamichael, I.Xanthakis, J.Sgouros, D.Televantou, G.Kafiri, A.C.Tsamandas, E.Razis, E.Galani, D.Bafaloukos, I.Efstratiou, I.Bompolaki, D.Pectasides, N.Pavlidis, S.Tejpar, G.Fountzilas. Biomarkers of benefit from Cetuximab-based therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer: interaction of EGFR ligand expression with RAS/RAF, PIK3CA genotypes. BMC Cancer. 2013 Feb 2; 13:49. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-13-49. PubMed PMID: 23374602; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3599697.


  1. A.Strimpakos, G.Pentheroudakis, V.Kotoula, W.De Roock, G.Kouvatseas, P.Papakostas, T.Makatsoris, A.Zizi-Sermpetzoglou, A.Kominea, D.Televantou, E.Razis, E.Galani, D.Pectasides, S.Tejpar, K.Syrigos, G.Fountzilas. The Prognostic Role of Ephrin A2 and Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Pathway Mediators in Patients With Advanced Colorectal Cancer Treated With Cetuximab. Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2013 Dec;12(4):267-274.e2.


  1. O.Nikolatou-Galitis, E.Razis, D.Galiti, E.Vardas, F.Tzerbos, S.Labropoulos. Osteonecrosis of the jaw in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia receiving imatinib – A case report with clinical implications, FCO, 2013; 4:4:29-33.


  1. 67. E.Razis, G.Pentheroudakis, G.Rigakos, M.Bobos, G.Kouvatseas, O.Tzaida, T.Makatsoris, P.Papakostas, M.Bai, A.Goussia, E.Samantas, D.Papamichael, O.Romanidou, I.Efstratiou, E.Tsolaki, A.Psyrri, W.De Roock, D.Bafaloukos, G.Klouvas, S.Tejpar, K.T. Kalogeras, D.Pectasides, G.Fountzilas. EGFR gene gain and PTEN protein expression are favorable prognostic factors in patients with wt-KRAS metastatic colorectal cancer treated with Cetuximab. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. 2014 Mar.


  1. G.Pentheroudakis, V.Kotoula, E.Fountzilas, G.Kouvatseas, G.Basdanis, I.Xanthakis, T.Makatsoris, E.Charalambous, D.Papamichael, E.Samantas, P.Papakostas, D.Bafaloukos, E.Razis, C.Christodoulou, I.Varthalitis, N.Pavlidis, G.Fountzilas. A Study Of Gene Expression Markers For Predictive Significance For Bevacizumab Benefit In Patients With Metastatic Colon Cancer: A Translational Research Study Of The Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG). BMC Cancer. 2014 Feb 20;14:111. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-111.


  1. K.Pavlakis, M.Bobos, A.Batistatou, V.Kotoula, A.Eleftheraki, A.Stofas, E.Timotheadou, G.Pentheroudakis, A.Psyrri, A.Koutras, D.Pectasides, P.Papakostas, E.Razis, K.Kalogeras, G.Fountzilas, C.Christodoulou; Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG), Athens, Greece. P85 Protein Expression is Associated with Poor Survival in HER2-Positive Patients with Advanced Breast Cancer Treated with Trastuzumab. Pathol. Oncol. Res. (2015) 21:273–282.


  1. A.Koumarianou, G.Karayannopoulou, G.Gourgioti, A.Batistatou, M.Bobos, I.Efstratiou, D.Miliaras, E.Galani, G.Pentheroudakis, D.Pectasides, G.Aravantinos, D.Bafaloukos, P.Papakostas, E.Razis, H.Kalofonos, K.Petraki, M.Sotiropoulou, K.Kalogeras, G.Fountzilas. PAI-1 and HER2 interaction in advanced breast cancer disease; evidence for added benefit from trastuzumab in HER2-negative patients. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol (2015) 75:1289–1301.


  1. O.Nicolatou-Galitis; E.Razis; D.Galiti; E.Galitis; S.Labropoulos; A.Tsimpidakis; J.Sgouros; A.Karamepazis; C.A.Migliorati. Periodontal tissue involvement preceding osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) in cancer patients receiving antiresorptives alone or combined with targeted therapies: Report of 5 cases and literature review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2015 Dec;120(6):699-706.


  1. G.Rigakos, E.Razis. Brain Tumors. The Doctor. 2015:18:64-65.


  1. C.Liakou, M.Georgiou, T.Georgiadis, G.Rigakos, S. Lampropoulos, E.Razis. Unusual mandibular metastasis of bladder cancer in a patient and two synchronous malignancies, bladder cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, in a single lymph node. A case report. Case Reports in Clinical Pathology, 2015, Vol. 2, No. 4.


  1. C.Liakou, J.Koh, A.Tsimpidakis, K.Rios, H.Paskalis, A.Pipilis, T.Georgiadis, E.Razis. A tongue lesion as a sign of a systemic disease. Case Rep Med. 2016;2016:6723575. doi: 10.1155/2016/6723575. Epub 2016 Mar 22.


  1. S.Lakis, S.Dimoudis, V.Kotoula, Z.Alexopoulou, I.Kostopoulos, T.Koletsa, M.Bobos, E.Timotheadou, I.Papaspirou, I.Efstratiou, G.Aravantinos, V.Karavasilis, F.Zagouri, H.Gogas, E.Razis, G.Pentheroudakis, C.Christodoulou, D.Pectasides, G.Fountzilas. Interaction between beta-catenin and EGFR expression by immunohistochemistry identifies prognostic subgroups in early high-risk triple negative breast cancer. Anticancer Res. 2016 May;36(5):2365-78.


  1. G.Rigakos, A.Vakos, S.Papadopoulos, A.Vernadou, A.Tsimpidakis, D. Papachristou, E.Razis. Cancer of unknown primary ultimately diagnosed as male breast cancer: A rare case report. Mol Clin Oncol. 2016 Aug;5(2):263-266. Epub 2016 May 24.


  1. P.Apostolou, M.Pertesi, V.Aleporou-Marinou, C.Dimitrakakis, C.Papadimitriou, E.Razis, C.Christodoulou, G.Fountzilas, D.Yannoukakos, I.Konstantopoulou, F.Fostira. Haplotype analysis reveals that the recurrent BRCA1 deletion of exons 23 and 24 is a Greek founder mutation. Clin Genet. 2016 Jun 30. doi: 10.1111/cge.12824. [Epub ahead of print].


  1. V.Kotoula; S.Lakis; I.Vlachos; E.Giannoulatou; F.Zagouri; Z.Alexopoulou; H.Gogas; D.Pectasides; G.Aravantinos; I.Efstratiou; G.Pentheroudakis; K.Papadopoulou; K.Chatzopoulos; P.Papakostas; M.Sotiropoulou; I.Nicolaou; E.Razis; A.Psyrri; P.Kosmidis; C.Papadimitriou; G.Fountzilas; Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes affect the outcome of patients with operable triple-negative breast cancer in combination with mutated amino acid classes. PLoS One. 2016 Sep 29;11(9):e0163138. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163138.


  1. S.Ndarukwa, A.M.Nyakabau, A.B.Chagpar, D.Raben, N.Ndlovu, W.Kadzatsa, V.J.Eaton, P.Mafunda, E.Razis. American Society of Clinical Oncology Multidisciplinary Cancer Management Course: Connecting Lives, Cancer Care, Education, and Compassion in Zimbabwe—A Pilot for Efforts of Sustainable Benefit? DOI: 10.1200/JGO.2016.003673 Journal of Global Oncology – published online before print September 30, 2016


  1. E.Razis. QOPI International… or How to globalize quality? DOI: 10.1200/JGO.2016.006437 Journal of Global Oncology – published online before print September 30, 2016.


  1. E.Fountzilas, V.Kotoula, F.Zagouri, E.Giannoulatou, G.Kouvatseas, G.Pentheroudakis, T.Koletsa, M.Bobos, K.Papadopoulou, E.Samantas, E.Demiri, S.Miliaras, C.Christodoulou, S.Chrisafi, E.Razis, F.Fostira, D.Pectasides, G.Zografos, G.Fountzilas. Disease evolution and heterogeneity in bilateral breast cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2016 Nov 1;6(11):2611-2630. eCollection 2016.


  1. G.Rigakos, C.Liakou, N.Felipe, D.Orkoulas-Razis, E.Razis. Neoplastic meningitis: clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, radiology, diagnosis. Cancer Control. Jan 2017, Vol. 24, No.1.


  1. D.Zardavas, L.Marvelde, R.L.Milne, D.Fumagalli, G.Fountzilas, V.Kotoula, E.Razis, G.Papaxoinis, H.Joensuu, M.Moynahan, B.Hennessy, I.Bieche, L.H.Saal, O.Stal, B.Iacopetta, J.D.Jensen, S.O’Toole, M.Barbaraeschi, S.Noguchi, H.Azim, E.Lerma, T.Bachelot, Q.Wang, G.Perez-Tenorio, M.Piccart, J.M.S.Bartlett, C.Sotiriou, S.Michiels, S.Loi. Tumour PIK3CA genotype and prognosis in early-stage breast cancer: a individual pooled data analysis of 10,319 patients. JCO (to be submitted).


  1. V.Kotoula, F.Fostira, K.Papadopoulou, P.Apostolou, E.Tsolaki, G.Lazaridis, K.Manoussou, F.Zagouri, D.Pectasides, I.Vlachos, I.Tikas, S.Lakis, G.Pentheroudakis, H.Gogas, P.Papakostas, C.Christodoulou, D.Bafaloukos; E.Razis, V.Karavasilis, C.Bamias, D.Yannoukakos, G.Fountzilas. Germline mutations in triple negative breast tumor tissues: retention, depletion, and interaction with TP53 mutations. Genetics in Medicine (to be submitted).


  1. V.Kotoula, F.Fostira, K.Papadopoulou, P.Apostolou, E.Tsolaki, G.Lazaridis, K.Manoussou, F.Zagouri, D.Pectasides, I.Vlachos, I.Tikas, S.Lakis, I.Konstantopoulou G.Pentheroudakis, H.Gogas, P.Papakostas, C.Christodoulou, D.Bafaloukos; E.Razis, V.Karavasilis, C.Bamias, D.Yannoukakos, G.Fountzilas. The fate of BRCA1-related germline mutations in triple-negative breast tumors. American Journal of Cancer Research (submuitted).


  1. T.Strati, V.Kotoula, I.Kostopoulos, K.Manousou, C.Papadimitriou, G.Lazaridis, S.Lakis, G.Pentheroudakis, D.Pectasides, E.Pazarli, C.Christodoulou, E.Razis, K.Pavlakis, C.Magkou, S.Chrisafi, G.Aravantinos, D.Bafaloukos, P.Papakostas, H.Gogas, K.T.Kalogeras, G.Fountzilas. Prognostic subcellular Notch2, Notch3 and Jagged1 localization patterns in early triple-negative breast cancer. Anticancer Research (accepted).


  1. A.Batistatou, V.Kotoula, M.Bobos , G.Kouvatseas, F.Zagouri , E.Tsolaki, H.Gogas, A.Koutras, G.Pentheroudakis, E.Timotheadou, S.Pervana, A.Goussia, K.Petraki, M.Sotiropoulou, T.Koletsa, E.Razis, P.Kosmidis, G.Aravantinos, C.Papadimitriou, D.Pectasides, G.Fountzilas. Correlation of MYC gene and protein status with breast cancer subtypes and outcome of patients treated with anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy. Pooled analysis of two Hellenic Cooperative Group phase III trials. Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy (submitted).


  1. S.Levva, V.Kotoula, I.Kostopoulos, K.Manousou, C.Papadimitriou, K.Papadopoulou, S.Lakis, KKoukoulias, V.Karavasilis, G.Pentheroudakis, E.Balassi, Z.Flora, I.G.Kaklamanos, D.Pectasides, E.Razis, G.Aravantinos, P.Papakostas, D.Bafaloukos, R.Grigorios, H.Gogas, G.Fountzilas. Prognostic evaluation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) genotype and phenotype parameters in triple-negative breast cancers. Cancer Genomics & Proteomics. (submitted).
  1. E.Razis,­ A.Mittelman, C.Puccio, H.Chun, N.Coombe, T.Ahmed, E.Feldman, L.Helson, Z.Arlin: Phase II clinical trial of didemnin B in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. J. Clin. Oncol 1991;Vol 10, p126:A372.


  1. E.Razis,­ A.Mittelman, C.Puccio, H.Chun, N.Coombe, T.Ahmed, E.Feldman, L.Helson, Z.Arlin:  Phase II clinical trial of didemnin B in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. J. Clin. Oncol 1992;Vol 11, p153:A432.


  1. C.Puccio, A.Mittelman, H.Chun, E.­Razis,­ T.Ahmed, J.Nelson, N.Nelson, R.Madden, Z.Arlin: Alternating regimen of 5FU and cisplatin, bleomycin and methotrexate in the therapy of patients with advanced cervical cancer. J. Clin. Oncol 1992;Vol 11, p234: A748.


  1. P.Cook, E.­Razis,­ N.Abraham, D.Lake, M.Beer, E.Feldman, T.Ahmed: Single or sequential autologous bone-marrow transplant (ABMT) in malignant lymphoma.  Experimental Hematology (ISEH) 1993;21, (8),p:1064


  1. E.Razis,­ P.Cook, D.Lake, M.Beer, A.Mittelman, M.Ali, T.Ahmed: ThioTEPA, mitoxanthrone and carboplatin (TMJ): A well tolerated high dose chemotherapy for adjuvant autologous bone marrow transfusion (ABMT) in breast cancer.  Experimental Hematology. (ISEH) 1993;21 (8).


  1. J.Brady, P.Cook, E.­Razis,­ A.Kamal, L.Helson, H.Chun, A.Mittelman, C.Puccio, K.Seiter, T.Ahmed: Impact of prior therapy on toxic death rate and hematologic reconstitution following dose intensive therapy and autologous bone marrow transplant. J. Clin. Oncol 1993.


  1. ­E.Razis,­ P.Molt, P.Cook, A.Mittelman, HG.Chun, C.Moorthy, L.Helson, C.Puccio, J.Brady, J.Messer, G.Samonis, T.Ahmed: Adjuvant chemotherapy for high risk Stage II breast cancer with high dose thioTEPA, mitoxanthrone and carboplatinum and autologous bone marrow support. J. Clin. Oncol 1993.


  1. K.Bigman, Z.Alin, T.Ahmed, P.Baskind, K.Seiter, P.Cook, E.­Razis,­ M.Yearwood, G.Kruger, E.Feldman, A.Mittelman: A Phase I-II trial of etoposide, high dose cytarabine and high    dose mitoxanthrone in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia and blastic chronic myelogenous leukemia. J. Clin. Oncol 1993.


  1. T.Ahmed, P.Cook, ­E.Razis,­ M.Beer, D.Lake, L.Helson, A.Mittelman: Single or sequential autologous bone marrow transplant (ABMT) in malignant lymphoma. 8th Symposium  Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis, May 1993.


  1. T.Ahmed, P.Cook, M.Beer, E.­Razis,­ E.Feldman, D.Lake, A.Mittelman, M.Ali, R.Preti: Factors influencing survival in relapsed or refractory Hodgkin’s disease treated by high dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplant. Blood 1993;2,10:A147.


  1. P.Cook, E.Razis, M.Beer. D.E.Lake, M.Zakaria, E.Feldman and T.Ahmed. Survival following Dose-intensive chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplant (ABMT) in non-hodgkin´s lymphoma (NHL). J. Clin. Oncol. 1994;Vol 13,p381:A1295.


  1. T.Ahmed, RA.Preti, DE.Lake, T.Farley, P.Cook, C.Hohwart, E.Razis, M.Beer, N.Syed, D.Ciavarella: Comparison of 2 different dosages of sargramostim of mobilize peripheral-blood progenitors. Blood 1994;84,10:A106.


  1. P.Cook, Razis, M.Beer, D.E.Lake, M.Zakaria, E.Feldman and T.Ahmed. Transplant (ABMT) in Non-Hodgkin´s Lymphoma (NHL). J. Clin. Oncol. 2003;Vol13, p381:A1295.


  1. G.Nassioulas,A.Hatsaki, S.Tsitsopoulos, K.Anagnostopoulou, P.Kosmidis, E.Razis, A.Papagiannis: Detection of CEA mRNA in peripheral blood of healthy subjects and chronic myeloid leukemia patients by using RT-PCR. Proc. J. Clin. Oncol 1999;Vol 18, p636a:A2457.


  1. D.Pectasides, C.Papadimitriou, G.Aravantinos, P.Kosmidis, P.Papakostas, E.Briassoulis, P.Kalofonos, D.Bafaloukos, C.Christodoulou, E.Razis, H.Gogas, H.Timotheadou, M.Dimopoulos: Docetacel (DOC) and Navelbine and (NVB) at first line chemotherapy (CT) in advanced breast cancer (ABC). A face II study of Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group.  J. Clin. Oncol. 2000; vol 19, p112a:A435.


  1. G.Nasioulas, A.Anagnostopoulou, A.Hatzaki, A.Saetta, S.Lambropoulos, M.Mihalatos, K.Iliadis, A.Kodaxis, D. apaioannou, P.Kosmidis, M.Vasilaki, E.Razis: Detection of Codon 12 and 13 mutations of K-RAS In non-small cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)  by a modified PCR and Prognostic value for relapse. Poster presentation J. Clin. Oncol.  2001; Vol 20 (1), p344a:A1377.


  1. G.Fountzilas, C.Papadimitriou, E.Briassoulis, P.Kalofonos, C.Christodoulou, E.Razis, H.Gogas: Dose-dense sequential adjuvant chemotherapy with epirubicin, paclitaxel (Taxol ®) and CMF (E-T-CMF) vs epirubicin and CMF (E-CMF) in high-risk patients with breast cancer (BC).SABCS. Breast Cancer Res and Treatment 2001;69 (3), p243:A251.


  1. H.Linardou, G.Aravantinos, H.Kalofonos, E.Efstathiou, A.Bamias, G.Chamylos, D.Bafaloukos, E.Razis, M.A.Dimopoulos: Gemcitabine and Carboplatin combination as first line treatment of advanced urothelial carcinoma: activity in elderly, unfit patients. Ann. of Oncol. 2002;Vol13,  p106:Α384.


  1. G.Fountzilas, D.Pectasides, VD.Skarlos, HP.Kalofonos, C.Papadimitriou, H.Linardou, E.Razis, H.Gogas: Paclitaxel, carboplatin and ZD1839 (Iressa™), as first line chemotherapy, in patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC). A phase II study. Breast Cancer Res. And Treatment.2003;82 (S1),p585:A357.


  1. A.Hadginis, K.Iliadis, D.Garbis, E.Razis, M.Exarchakos, A.Kontaxis: Results of pleurodesis with intra pleural Sterile C injection in malignant pleural Effusions. 1st Interdisciplinary Oncology Conference Athens 2003;p126:AP7.


  1. E.Razis, S.Papadopoulos, M.Xilouri, S.Chalkidou, M.Karina, S.V.Labropoulos: Evaluation of serum EGFR in head and neck cancer patients. J. Clin Oncol 2003;vol.22, p515:A2073.


  1. E.Razis, S.Papadopoulos, D.Skarlos, M.Exarchakos, C.Christodoulou, M.Karina, M.Xylouri, S.Lampropoulos :Gefitinib (“Iressa”, ZD 1839) as treatment for non-small-cell lung cancer. Iressa Clinical Experience meeting, June 29,2003.


  1. S.V.Labropoulos, S.Papadopoulos, L.Hadjiyiassemi, D.Giannopoulou, D.Razis, E.Razis. Response of metastatic dermatofibrosarcoma proturebans to imatinib mesylate. J. Clin. Oncol. 2003;Vol.22, p830:A3334.


  1. C.Christodoulou, G.Fountzilas, E.Razi, D.Tsavdaridis, M.Karina, S.Lampropoulos, D.V.Skarlos: Gemcitabine and trastuzumab combination as salvage treatment in patients with HER2- positive metastatic breast cancer. J. Clin Oncol 2003;(22),p42:A166.


  1. S.V.Labropoulos, G.Fountzilas, S.Papadopoulos, M.Karina, M.Xylouri, A.Doudoulakakis, S.Chalkidou, E.Razis. Study of serum EGFR, HER-2/neu, VEGF in metastatic breast cancer patients treated with taxanes. J. Clin. Oncol. 2004;Vol23, p65:A757.


  1. P.Kosmidis, G.Aravantinos, D.Bafaloukos, H.Gogas, C.Bacoyiannis, E.Razis, C. Markopoulos, T.Makatsoris, H.P.Kalofonos. Mitoxantrone plus gemcitabine in Pretreated patients with advanced breast cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 2004;Vol23, p83:A829.


  1. G.Fountzilas, U.Stropp, E.Razis, R.Wirtz, D.Skarlos, H.Gogas, N.Pavlidis, H.P.Kalofonos, D. Pectasides, A.M.Dimopoulos. Genetic alterations predicting the response of high risk breast cancer patients to Taxol-based adjuvant chemotherapy. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group, (HeCOG), J. Clin Oncol., 2005; Vol23,16S, p854s:A 9574.


  1. I.Konstantopoulou, E.Razi, I.Boukovinas, N.Xenidis, G.Fountzilas, D.Yannoukakos. Detection of two novel genomic rearrangements in BRCA1 gene in Greek breast/ovarian cancer families using quantitative multiplex PCR of short fluorescent fragments (QMPSF). European Human Genetics Conference 2006. Amsterdam.


  1. S.Murray, E.Razis, H.Linardou, S.Lambropoulos, E.Briasoulis, D.Skarlos, D.Pectasides, H.P. Kalofonos, C.Papadimitriou, P.Kosmidis, G.Fountzilas. Rapid screening of EGFR mutations in patients with non-small cancer, breast cancer and head and neck cancer treated with gefitinib on a compassionate-use program. TAT. 2006;A 303.


  1. S.V.Lambropoulos, S.Murray, D.Pectasides, D.V.Skarlos, H.P.Kalofonos, C.Papadimitriou, H.Linardou, E.Briasoulis, P.Kosmidis, E.Razis, H.Gogas, G.Fountzilas. Detection of Her family receptor expression (mRNA) in peripheral blood of metastatic breast cancer patients treated with gefitinib. TAT 2006;A 306.


  1. S.Murray, H.Linardou, E.Razis, D.Pectasides, G.Fountzilas. Screening for EGFR mutations in patients with head and neck cancer treated with gefitinib on a compassionate-use program: a Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group study. Ann. Oncol. 2006;17 (S9), A578PD.


  1. E.Razis, E.Briasoulis, I.Kostopoulos, M.Bobos, C.Christodoulou, D.Papamichael, S.K.Rigatos, P.Papakostas, P.Kosmidis, G.Fountzilas. Predictive markers for the treatment of colorectal cancer with cetuximab. J. Clin. Oncol. 2006;24(18Sp1), A13500.


  1. Briasoulis, Papamichael, D.Tzachanis, C.Christodoulou, E.Samantas, E.Razis, P.Papakostas, C.Bakoyiannis, R.M.Wirtz, K.T.Kalogeras. Predictive value of EGFR RNA levels assessed by quantitative RT-PCR in primary tumors of patients with cetuximab for metastatic colorectal cancer. J. Clin. Oncol.. 2007;25 (18s partI) :A4121.


  1. E. Razis, P.Selviaridis, J.Fletcher, S.Labropoulos, R.Caprioli, G.Karkavelas, M.Zhu, T.Kalebic, J.Norris, G.Fountzilas. Biochemical evidence of tumor response and measurable levels of the drug in Glioblastoma tissue from patients with imatinib. J. Clin. Oncol. 2007;25, (18S,Part I,) p80s:A2023.


  1. A.Ardizzoni, E.Razis, M.Lichinitser, U.Yilmaz, A.C.Grigoresco, J.L.Morero, J.Skrickova, G.Cervantes, M.Gottfried,Van Meerbeeck. Interim safety results from TRUST, a global   open-label study of erlotinib in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). J. Thor.  Oncol.2007; Vol. 2, Number 8, Supplement 4, A8306.


  1. C.Papadimitriou, R.M.Wirtz, T.Economopoulos, E.Samantas, P.Papakostas, H.Gogas, E.Razis, E.Lianos, G.Aravantinos, G.Fountzilas. Differential EGFR and VEGFR mRNA expression in two subtypes of basal-like breast cancer identified by molecular classification. J. Clin. Oncol. 2008;26, (15S, Part I of II).


  1. A.Bamias, G.Lainakis, S.Lambaki, I.Xanthakis, C.Christodoulou, E.Razis, C.Papandreou, G.Fountzilas, M.Dimopoulos. Determinants of prognosis after first-line treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with Sunitinib: a retrospective analysis by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HECOG). Annals of Oncol, Vol. 19. 2008 (58) A 592p.


  1. C.Papadimitriou, R.M.Wirtz, T.Economopoulos, E.Samantas, P.Papakostas, H.Gogas, E.Razis, E.Lianos, G.Aravantinos, G.Fountzilas; (HECOG). Differential EGFR and VEGFR mRNA expression in two subtypes of basal-like breast cancer identified by molecular Classification. J. Clin. Oncol. 2008; ASCO Annual Meeting Procceedings;Vol26,No 155, suppl:May 20.


  1. R.Kronewett, U.Stropp, F.Briasoulis, M.Gchrmann, E.Razis, G.Hennig, D.Bafaloukos, R.M. Wirtz, T.Economopoulos, G.Fountzilas. Utility of a multigene prognostic algorithm in combination with TP53 expression for prediction of benefit from adjuvant taxane-containing chemotherapy in node-positive breast cancer patients. J Clin Oncol 27:15s 2009 ASCO A593.


  1. I.Kostopoulos, G.Karayannopoulou, M.Bobos, D.Skarlos, E.Briassoulis, A.Koutras, D.Pectasides, H.Linardou, E.Razis, F.Matsiakou, K.T.Kalogeras and G.Fountzilas. Evaluation of the Predictive Value of IGF-IRa, IGF-IRb, uPA and PAI-1 in Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) Treated With Trastuzumab. Cancer Res. 2009 69: 2036.


  1. E.Razis, I.Xanthakis, V.Kotoula, M.Bobos, G.Pentheroudakis, D.Pectasides, T.Makatsoris, H. Linardou, K.T.Kalogeras, G.Fountzilas. Evaluation of the predictive value of PIK3CA mutations and PTEN loss in the efficacy of trastuzumab therapy. 35th ESMO Congress – European Society for Medical Oncology. Milan, Oct 2010.


  1. Razis, K.T.Kalogeras, R.Kronenwett, H.Gogas, R.M.Wirtz, D.Skarlos, K.Weber, T. Korogiannos, J.Kotsantis, D.Pectasides, G.Fountzilas. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG). Elevated mRNA expression of CXCL13 predicts improved outcome in patients with high-risk early breast cancer. A possible molecular predictor of treatment benefit in the context of a Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group trial. Athens, Greece; 2Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Cologne, Germany.AACR 2010.


  1. D.Psyrri, R.Kronenwett, E.Timotheadou, R.M.Wirtz, A.Onyenadum, G.E.Pentheroudakis, C.A. Papadimitriou, Razis, T.Economopoulos, G.Fountzilas. Evaluation of the Progonostic Value of ube2c mrna levels in Early Breast Cancer. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Data Office, Athens, Greece; Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Cologne, Germany.AACR 2010 (poster).


  1. I.Kostopoulos, G.Karayannopoulou, M.Bobos, D.Skarlos, E.Briasoulis, A.Koutras, D.Pectacides, H.Linardou, E.Razis, F.Matsiakou, K.T.Kalogeras and G.Fountzilas. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG), Athens. Evaluation of the predictive value of IGF-1Ra, IGF-1Rb, uPA and PAI-1 in patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC) treated with trastuzumab. Cancer Res; 69 (suppl):24 A 2036;p:604s.


  1. E.Papadopoulou, E.Razis, P.Kosmidis, E.Briasoulis, S.Murray, G.Nasioulas. RT-PCR for identification of EML4-ALK rearrangement in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. Poster in 17th Panhellenic Congress of Clinical Oncology. April 14-17, 2011, Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel, Athens, Greece.


  1. E.Papadopoulou, E.Razis, P.Kosmidis, E.Briasoulis, S.Murray, G.Nasioulas. Development of a novel RT-PCR assay for the detection of EML4-ALK fusion genes in FFPE specimens. Poster presentation in the 36th European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress. September 23-27, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.


  1. E.Razis. Parp Inhibitors. 16th Pan Hellenic Oncology Congress, November 10-12, 2011, Athens, Greece.


  1. E.Razis. Predictive Markers for Trastuzumab Resistance. BIT Life Sciences’ 4th World Congress-Breast Cancer Conference, November 16-19, 2011, Guangzhou, China.


  1. O.Nikolatou-Galitis, D.Bafaloukos, E.Razis, E.Papadopoulou, E.Linardou, I.Grossi, E.Vardas, C.A.Migliorati. Drug-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: Report of two Cases with Unanswered Clinical Research Questions. Poster in the 18th Pan Hellenic Conference of Clinical Oncology, April 26-28, 2012, Athens, Greece.


  1. E. Razis, M. Bobos, W. De Roock, M. Bai, A. Gousia, I. Xanthakis, E. Tsolaki, P. Papakostas, S. Tejpar, G. Fountzilas. Potential biomarkers for cetuximab response in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group study. Abstract/Poster in ASCO 2012, June 1-4th, Chicago, Illinois, USA.


  1. 51. Razis, M. Bobos, W. De Roock, M. Bai, A. Gousia, I. Xanthakis, E. Tsolaki, P. Papakostas, S. Tejpar, G. Fountzilas, Athens/GR, Leuven/BE. Potential Biomarkers for Response to Cetuximab in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (MCRC), A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Study. Poster in 37th ESMO Congress, September 28th – October 2nd, 2012, Vienna, Austria.


  1. V.Kotoula, M.Bobos, A.Eleftheraki, E.Timotheadou, E.Razis, A.Goussia, S.Levva, K.T.Kalogeras, D.Pectasides, and G.Fountzilas. Revisiting chromosome 17q copy number aberrations in early high-risk breast cancer. 2012 CTRC-AACR. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Abstract number: 851327.


  1. I.Grossi, G.Rigakos, S.Labropoulos, F.Stavridi, N.Tsoulos, G.Nasioulas, E.Papadopoulou, E.Razis. Observation of the frequency of MGMT methylation, BRAF V600E mutation and IDH1/2 mutations in a Greek brain tumor cohort. EANO 2012. September 6-9, Marseille, France.


  1. E.Papadopoulou, O.Nicolatou-Galitis, E.Razis, E.Vardas, T.Sarri, E.Gatou, M.C.Kyrtsoni, P.Repousis, I.Athanasiadis, D.Bafaloukos. Treatment and Prevention of Biphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: 2009-2012. International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer. MASCC/ISOO, Berlin, Germany, June 27-29, 2013.


  1. E.Vardas, O.Nicolatou-Galitis, E.Razis, E.Papadopoulou, D.Galiti, E.Galitis, N.Anagnostopoulos, K.Megalakaki, M.Kouri, D.Bafaloukos. Dental Extractions in Oncology Patients Receiving Intravenous Biphosphonates. A Case Series Report. International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer. MASCC/ISOO, Berlin, Germany, June 27-29, 2013.


  1. G.Rigakos, O.Spyri, F.Stavridi, I.Grossi, I.Theodorakopoulou, A.Assi, G.Kouvatseas, S.Labropoulos, E.Razis. MGMT methylation, BRAF and IDH1/2 mutations and EGFR variant III detection and their association with bevacizumab treatment. Poster at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology. November 21-24, 2013, San Francisco, USA.


  1. V.Karavasilis, D.Pectasides, C.Papadimitriou, H.Gogas, G.Kouvatseas, C.Christodoulou, A.Koutras, G.Pentheroudakis, H.Linardou, E.Razis, G.Aravantinos, M.Dimopoulos, G.Fountzilas, Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG), Athens, Greece. Safety and tolerability of adjuvant dose dense chemotherapy in elderly patients with node-positive early breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013. Posted on ASCO 2013, May 30 – June 4th, Chicago, Illinois, USA.


  1. V.Bournakis, R.Gyftaki, E.Kafadari, E.Razis, G.Rigakos, K.Stravodimos, D.Mitropoulos, A.Bamias, M.A.Dimopoulos, E.Efstathiou. Enzalutamide (ENZA) in heavily pretreated patients with bone metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC) resistant to Androgen Biosynthesis Inhibitor (ABI) Treatment. The Hellenic experience of the Name Patient Program (NPAP). Poster at the 38th ESMO Conference. September 28 – October 1st, 2013, Amsterdam.


  1. H.Linardou, D.Pectasides, S.Agelaki, V.Kotoula, V.Karavasilis, A.G. Eleftheraki, E.Samantas, A.Kotsakis, E.Razis, G.Fountzilas. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG), Athens, Greece. Incidence and significance of tumor EGFR and KRAS mutations in Greek metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with 1st line chemotherapy. Poster at the 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer in Sydney, Australia, October 27 – 30, 2013.


  1. T.Koletsa, S.Lakis, I.Kostopoulos, M.Bobos, E.Razis, S.Chrisafi, C.Christodoulou, V.Kotoula, G.Fountzilas, D.Pectasides. TP53 mutation and Nestin protein expression patterns affect the outcome of patients with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Poster at the 2013 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 10-14, 2013


  1. K.Pavlakis, A.Koumarianou, M.Bobos, A.Batistatou, V.Kotoula, A.Eleftheraki, A.Stofas, E.Timotheadou, G.Pentheroudakis, A.Psyrri, A.Koutras, D.Pectasides, P.Papakostas, E.Razis, K.Kalogeras, G.Fountzilas, C.Christodoulou; Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG), Athens, Greece. Evaluation of the prognostic value of p85 protein expression in HER2-positive and HER2-negative patients with advanced breast cancer treated with trastuzumab. Poster at the ASCO 50th Annual Meeting, May 30 – June 3, 2014, Chicago.


  1. V.Karavasilis, A.Bamias, E.Razis, G.Gourgioti, K.Syrigos, G.Aravantinos, C.Christodoulou, G.Fountzilas, C.Papandreou; Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG), Athens, Greece; Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group Data Office, Athens, Greece. Prolonged efficacy of sunitinib in a cohort of patients with metastatic renal cancer. a retrospective analysis from the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group. Poster at the ASCO 50th Annual Meeting, May 30 – June 3, 2014, Chicago.


  1. O.Nicolatou-Galitis, E.Razis, E.Galitis, S.Tsimpoukis, K.Koutsoukos, J.Sgouros, N.Soupos, A.Nikolaidi, V.Barbounis, C.Migliorati. Gingival And Periodontal Toxicity And Osteonecrosis In Patients Receiving Targeted Therapies Alone Or Combined With Zoledronic Acid: A Case-Series And Clinical Implications. Poster at the MASCC 2014. June 26-28 2014, Miami USA


  1. E.Razis, G.Vlahovic, L.Recht, H.Wheeler, D.Reardon, P.G.Fisher, S.Owen, K.Nicholas, E.Paradise, M.Yellin, T.Davis, M.Weller, R.Stupp, A.F.Hottinger. Vaccination against Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor variant III in glioblastoma: the rindopepimut compassionate use experience. Poster at the SNO 2014, Oral presentation. November 13-16, 2014, Miami USA.


  1. Α.Vernadou, G.Rigakos, E.Bourkoula, A.Tsimpidakis, S.Papadopoulos, G.Nasioulas, T.Poufos, E.Fotoglou, S.Labropoulos, E.Razis. BRAF mutation as a biomarker in malignant gliomas. Poster at the EORTC-EANO-ESMO Conference: Trends in Central Nervous System Malignancies. 27-28 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.


  1. O.Nicolatou-Galitis, D.Galiti, E.Razis, A.Anagnostopoulos, A.Ardavanis, I.Athanasiadis, D.Daliani, M.Demiri, S.Giassas, T.Grivas, D.Stefanou, D.Tryphonopoulos, A.Tsimpidakis, C.Christodoulou. Stomatitis in women with advanced breast cancer receiving everolimus: a case series report on clinical presentation and management. Poster at the MASCC/ISOO 2015. June 25-27, Copenhagen, Denmark.


  1. CI.Liakou, L.Hadjiyassemi, G.Rigakos, A.Tsimpidakis, S.Lampropoulos, E.Razis. Belaboring the obvious? Hypercalcemia due to primary hyperparathyroidism in cancer patients. Poster presentation at the 4th European Congress of Internal Medicine. 4-16 October 2015. Moscow, Russia.


  1. A.Vernadou, E.Skarpidi, G.Rigakos, S.Papadopoulos, V.Kourvelos, S.Labropoulos, E.Razis. ATRX can occur in IDH wild-type GBM. Poster at the 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology, November 19-22, 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA.


  1. A.Batistatou, E.Razis, M.Bobos, E.Tsolaki, E.Timotheadou, Z.Alexopoulou, A.Goussia, H.Gogas, A.Koutras, M.Karina, G.Pentheroudakis, I.Efstratiou, K.Petraki, M.Sotiropoulou, K.Pavlakis, T.Koletsa, V.Kotoula, G.Fountzilas. Associations of MYC protein expression and gene status with breast cancer subtypes and outcome in patients treated with anthracycline-based adjuvant chemotherapy. Poster presentation at the 2015 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 8-12, 2015. San Antonio, Texas, USA.


  1. I.Theodorakopoulou, K.Stathaki, T.Poufos, E.Vlachou, O.Spyri, L.Hadjiyassemi, G.Rigakos, S.Labropoulos, I.Prasini, E.Razis. New Fields in the patient record: a tool or a nuisance? Poster at the ASCO Quality Care Symposium. February 26-27, 2016. Phoenix, AZ, USA.


  1. V.Kotoula, E.Giannoulatou, Z.Alexopoulou, V.Karavasilis, A.Kotsakis, D.Dionysopoulos, C.Christodoulou, E.Tsolaki, M.Bobos, E.Charalambous, G.Pentheroudakis, T.Makatsoris, S.Chrisafi, D.Pectasides, A.Psyrri, P.Papakostas, E.Razis, D.Bafaloukos, V.Georgoulias, G.Fountzilas; Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes and hydrophobic amino acid changes in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Poster at the 2016 ASCO Annual Meeting. June 3-7. Chicago, USA.


  1. E.Fountzilas, V.Kotoula, F.Zagouri, E.Giannoulatou, G. Kouvatseas, G. Pentheroudakis, T. Koletsa, M.Bobos, K.Papadopoulou, E.Samantas, E.Demiri, S.Miliaras, C.Christodoulou, S.Chrisafi, E.Razis, F.Fostira, D.Pectasides, G.Zografos, G.Fountzilas. Patient-private disease evolution and heterogeneity in bilateral breast cancer. Poster at the ESMO 2016 Congress. Copenhagen, Denmark – 07 Oct – 11 Oct 2016.


  1. A.Koutras, V.Kotoula, G.Kouvatseas, C.Christodoulou, D.Pectasides, A.Batistatou, M.Bobos, E.Tsolaki, K.Papadopoulou, G.Ε.Pentheroudakis, P.Papakostas, S.Pervana, K.Petraki, S.Chrisafi, E.Razis, A.Psyrri, D.Bafaloukos, K.T.Kalogeras, H.P.Kalofonos, G.Fountzilas. Evaluation of the association of HER family members with efficacy of trastuzumab therapy in metastatic breast cancer. Poster at the ESMO 2016 Congress. Copenhagen, Denmark – 07 Oct – 11 Oct 2016.


  1. F.Fostira, E.Fountzila, A.Vagena, P.Apostolou, I.Konstanta, C.Papadimitriou, E.Razis, C.Christodoulou, E.Timotheadou, V.Mollaki, M.Papamentzelopoulou, I.S.Vlachos, D.Yannoukakos, I.Konstantopoulou. Pathology of BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated breast cancers: Known and less known connections. Poster at the ESMO 2016 Congress. Copenhagen, Denmark – 07 Oct – 11 Oct 2016.


  1. A.Vernadou, G.Rigakos, G.Nasioulas, S.Papadopoulos, A.Tsimpidakis, S.Labropoulos, E.Razis. EGFRvIII and 1p19q co-deletion can co-exist in gliomas. Poster at the EANO 2016 Congress. Mannheim, Germany – October 12 – 16, 2016.


  1. V.Kotoula, E.Razis, E.Giannoulatou, E.Vrettou, E.Charalambous, G.Kouvatseas, I.Tikas, S.Papadopoulos, S.Papaemmanoyil, G.Rigakos, T.Zaramboukas, O.Romanidou, G.Iliadis, P.Nomikos, P.Selviaridis, K.Polyzoidis, G.Fountzilas. Mutation characteristics in high-grade gliomas. Abstract at the SNO 2016 Congress. Scottsdale, Arizona – November 17 – 20, 2016.


  1. Α.Vernadou, G.Nassioulas, G.Rigakos, S.Papapadopoulos, A.Tsimpidakis, P.Nomikos, S.Lampropoulos, E. Razis. Confirmation of TERT promoter mutation role as a prognostic marker in a greek cohort with glioma. Poster at the 5th Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies (WFNOS). May 4 – 7, 2017. Zurich, Switzerland.


  1. E.Papadopoulou, O.Nicolatou-Galitis, E.Razis, E.Vardas, K.Tsiklakis, D.Galitis, I.Athanasiadis, A.Nikolaidi, M.Kouri, E.Galitis, A.Tsimpidakis, S.Sachanas, A.Ardavanis, F.Antoniou, D.Tryfonopoulos, C.Kyrtsonis, D.Tzaninis, D.Daliani, M.Prokopiou, and C.Migliorati. Localized alveolar bone disease prior to dental extraction in cancer patients treated with antiresorptives: an early stage of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ)? Abstract to MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting Supportive Care in Cancer 2017. June 21-23 2017. Washington DC USA.


  1. E.Vardas, E.Kalfarentzos, K.Tsiklakis, N.Papadogeogakis, F.Tzerbos V.Petsinis, E.Papadopoulou, M.Kouri, D.Galiti, C.Chatzihalepli, A.Vourli, E.Razis, I.Athanasiadis, A.Ardavanis, A.Nikolaidi, D.Tryfonopoulos,  G.Samelis, O.Nicolatou-Galitis.Conservative surgery treatment of medication related osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) stage II and III. A preliminary report. Abstract to MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting Supportive Care in Cancer 2017. June 21-23 2017. Washington DC USA.


  1. G.Rigakos, I.Theodorakopoulou, E.Vlachou, S.Labropoulos, L.Chatziyiasemi, M.Kordoni, O.Spyri, K.Stathaki, T.Poufos, E.Razis. Improvement of Treatment Toxicity Grading for patients of Contemporary Oncology Team according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) through ASCO’s Quality Training Program (QTP). Poster at the ESMO 2017, 8-12 September 2017. Madrid, Spain. (submitted).
  • Ambrus, J.Halper, M.Mahatzah, E.Razis,­ JL.Ambrus: Ethics and Methodology of studies in major complications in cancer patients: Infections, thromboembolism, hypercalcemia and osteoporosis. 1st Conference of Philosophy Methodology Ethics and Economics in Clinical Cancer Research. Kos, Greece, May 1986 by E.Razis. Medical Ethics and/or Ethical Medicine. Elsevier, Paris 1989, p 99-105.
  • Ambrus, D.Razis, TJ.Bardos, S.Stadle, J.Halpern, E.­Razis,­ H.Gustpar, E.Klein, M.Mahatzah, S.Sayid: Methodology and Ethics of new types of cancer therapy: Adoptive immunotherapy, differentiation inducing agents, antimetastatic agents, lymphokine releasers, radiation potentiators and protectors. 1st Conference of Philosophy Kos, Greece, May 1986 by E.Razis ­Published­ in Medical Ethics and/or Ethical Medicine. Elsevier, Paris 1989, p. 88-98.
  • Razis.­ The role of high-dose therapy in breast cancer. “MODERN MASTOLOGY” :1996 Ed L. Mouzaka  pp  681-687.
  • Razis. ESO postgraduate course on Urological cancer “Prostate cancer – Early vs late treatment”, June, 1996 Athens-Greece.
  • Razis. Quality of life in chemotherapy for lung cancer 2nd International Congress on Lung Cancer. Editor George Antypas (Proceeding) Monduzzi Editore, Lung Cancer, 1996.
  • Razis. ESO postgraduate course on head & neck “Concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced head & neck cancer”, Sept 1996, Metsovo-Greece.
  • Razis. On the Knowledge of Nonexistence. THE HUMAN PREDICAMENT. An International Dialogue on the Meaning of Human Behavior. Edited by Dennis V. Razis, M.D. Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York, USA 1996.
  • Razis. Principles of high Dose Therapy. “Principles of cancer therapy”. Ed. G. Fountzilas and V. Barbounis Studio Press. Thess. 1997; pp 297-322.
  • Razis: “Adjuvant Chemotherapy in breast cancer”, Topics in Obstetrics and Gynecology, IA:4, October-December 1997;p:408-417.
  • Razis. ESO postgraduate course on Melanoma and Sarcoma: “Neoadjuvant treatment for soft tissue sarcoma” Sept 1998, Athens-Greece.
  • Razis. ESO postgraduate course on breast cancer: “Megatherapy for Breast Cancer” Nov. 1998, Thessaloniki –Greece.
  • Razis. ESO postgraduate course on Urological Cancer Prognostic factors in Prostate Cancer. June 2000 , Athens-Greece.
  • Razis. ESO postgraduate course on Breast Cancer:”Megatherapy for Breast Cancer “Sept. 2000, Thessaloniki –Greece.
  • Razis, G.Fountzilas: Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer: Gynecologic Oncology, 2001 Ed. Pectasides/Dimopoulos pp 807-817.
  • Razis, G.Fountzilas: High dose Therapy for Breast Cancer: “Gynecologic Oncology”, 2001. Ed. Pectasides/Dimopoulos pp 887-895.
  • Razis, S.Lambropoulos, D.Razis. “Breast Cancer “ Chapter in Book called “Advances in Internal Medicine” 2001 Ed K. Lymperatos , E. Politakis, P. Filalithis, V. Seitanides pp 425-477.
  • Razis. The treatment of malignant gliomas with intratumoral chemotherapy:”Recent Advances In Treatment of Cerebral Gliomas”, 2002. Ed. M.Torrens, E.Razi, H.Strongylos, pp129-136.
  • Razis. Chemotherapy for malignant gliomas in adults:”Recent Advances in Treatment of Cerebral Gliomas”, 2002. Ed, M.Torrens, E.Razis, H.Strongylos pp 107- 136.
  • Razis, “Recent Advances in Treatment of Cerebral Gliomas”, Editors: M.Torrens, E.Razis, H.Strongylos, 2002.
  • Razis.1st Postgraduate course in urologic cancer,“Carcinogenesis in bladder cancer”, Athens,Greece, October 30-31st 2003.
  • Razis, Monoclonal Antibodies and other biological agents for Breast Cancer “Modern Mastology” 2007. Ed L. Mouzaka, A. Mandrekas, V. Barbounis. pp953-960.
  • E.Razis and G. Fountzilas. Trastuzumab Resistance. 2010, In: Aggressive Breast Cancer, Ed: Regina H. DeFrina. pp. 187-197, Nova Science Pu

Επιστημονικά Ενδιαφέροντα

Η κα Ραζή έχει έντονο ενδιαφέρον για διεπιστημονικά εργαλεία που συμβάλλουν στην βελτίωση της φροντίδας και της ασφάλειας των ασθενών, όπως οι αναλυτικές μαθηματικές τεχνικές και η Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη. Έχει δε παρουσιάσει και διαλέξεις σε γιατρούς και ερευνητές σχετικά με τη Θεωρία του Χάους και το Watson Oncology.

Διδακτική Εμπειρία

Η κα Ραζή συμμετέχει πάντα στην ακαδημαϊκή και επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση μέσω εκπαιδευτικών σεμιναρίων και την παροχή διαλέξεων σε:

  • Μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές που παρακολουθούν το πρόγραμμα σεμιναρίων του ΥΓΕΙΑ.
  • Φοιτητές Οδοντιατρικής στα πλαίσια εκπαιδευτικών σεμιναρίων στην Οδοντιατρική Σχολή Αθηνών
  • Νοσηλευτές στο ΥΓΕΙΑ.
  • Ειδικευόμενους ογκολογίας στα προγράμματα της Ελληνικής Ακαδημίας Ογκολογίας (ΕΑΚΟ) και παλαιότερα του European School of Oncology.


Κατά τα τελευταία 12 χρόνια, η κα Ραζή έχει προσφέρει εθελοντικά τόσο με την παροχή ιατρικής περίθαλψης σε ασθενείς, όσο και εκπαίδευση σε επαγγελματίες του ιατρικού τομέα σε διάφορες χώρες της Ευρώπης, της Ασίας, της Αφρικής και της Λατινικής Αμερικής, όπως η Σρι Λάνκα, το Σουδάν, η Ζιμπάμπουε, η Ρουάντα, η Αλβανία και η Ονδούρα.


Η κα Ραζή μιλάει άπταιστα Αγγλικά, Γαλλικά, Ιταλικά, Γερμανικά, ενώ επίσης μιλάει Ισπανικά και Αραβικά.